Moving Africa Toward Health Self-Sufficiency
By Michael Gerson | MARCH 2, 2015
After a storied history of revolutionary defiance toward America — in which Tanzania played host to Angela Davis, Huey Newton and Malcolm X — this country can hardly get enough of the U.S. of A. Rumors still float among cabbies and tour guides that George W. Bush bought land here during his 2008 visit and plans on returning. When President Obama came in 2013, a main road, running scenically along the Indian Ocean, was renamed in his honor: Barack Obama Drive.
But locals now complain about the road’s upkeep. The traffic in Dar es Salaam is so bad that it is a reputed cause of teen pregnancy (some girls trade sexual favors for rides on motor scooters that dart between cars). Why isn’t Obama Drive better maintained and widened? Where are the Americans? Isn’t it their responsibility?